+91-98161-57505, 01975-242211

KPS Welcomes you


Kutlehar  Public School started her journey on 1st April, 2008 under the banner of Kutlehar Shiksha & Smaj Kalyan Samiti. In was the visionary zeal of the founder ShriYog Raj Bhardwaj who navigated through turbulence and turmoil and succeeded in giving the right direction to the school to reach the destination amidst all ups and downs.


Our 9th  Years of Glorious Journey

Kutlehar  Public School started her journey on 1st April, 2008  under the banner of KutleharShiksha&SmajKalyansamiti. The first step was taken by the school with 50 students, supported by 8th teaching staff. The beginning, no doubt was a humble one and eyes become moist reminiscing those nostalgic moments. It was the visionary zeal of the founder ShriYog Raj Bhardwaj who navigated through turbulence and turmoil and succeeded in giving the right direction to the school to reach the destination amidst all ups and downs. 

The elite society and the ignited minds showered their blessings and the school gradually acquired the strength to make the ground strong under her feet. It was the combined effort of the founder of the school and his strong, efficient team that could earn a place of repute and fame for her.

Value Education

Stress is being laid on value education to inculcate moral values, ethics and Indian culture among the students. It is developed through singing National song, reciting Shlokas, narrating religious stories and celebrating the birth anniversaries of saints, scholars and great leaders. 

 National Integrity

The school encourages harmony and peace by giving equal importance and showing equal respect to all religions. Discrimination on the basis of caste creed, colour, religion are discouraged creating an atmosphere of unity, integrity and brotherhood.

 Preparing global citizens

The school prepares the students as Global Citizens of future with scientific approach and quest for knowledge. Overcoming the narrow boundaries of fear, superstitions and dogmas, our students grow and develop with free spirit, broader vision and enlightened mind.



Director Message

Directors Message

 In the School teach him That all men are not just, all men are not true But teach him also that for every scoundrel there is a hero;that for every selfish Politician, there is a dedicated leader . And for every enemy there is a friend, It is far honourable to fail, than to cheat.....
Teach him to close his ears, to a howling mob and to stand and fight, if he thinks he's right.

These are the few lines picked up from the letter of Abraham Lincon to his son's teacher. It was not only the message to the teacher or his student but also to the parents regarding moral ethics and values to be generated among their kids. 

Teachers are supposed to be role models. A student spends his 25000 hours upto 12 standard in the school campus. The life of a student is more influenced by school teachers. Therefore the society needs such teachers, who have ability to teach, love teaching and build moral qualities. In turn society must always respect these teachers and make them to feel that their devotion to students is always appreciated.

In ancient days Gurukul was the place where students attained knowledge by residing with his teacher. Life at Gurukul was not easy but rigorous. Students had to follow without argument but at the end of training, they emerged not only responsible individuals but gained enormous knowledge. Transmission was mostly oral and students imbibed their teacher's characteristics. Students were devoted to their preceptors. Parents had nothing to interfere with the system of Gurukul.
It was Gurukul system only where pupil Aruni remained lying as the ridge to stop the water current which could sweep away the soil . His body became stiff but he neither moved his body a little nor took a turn but obeyed his teacher. Ekalavya's devotion to his preceptor reflects the high degree values of Gurukul, who without any regret and hesitation cut the thumb of right hand and presented to his respected teacher.

The present system came in to existence with the advent of British education by gaining a degree rather than knowledge. Due to commercialisation there has been great decline in our great heritage of value based educational system. Schools became information centres. Wisdom is conspicuously missing from the education.

 Parents and students have been contractual and teachers have been money paid employees. Obviously values have been put under the carpet of modern educational system. In fact teachers have to be dreamers, streamers, helpers, healers, mentors, role models, nurturers and inspirers. Teaching has been now the most important challenging and dynamic profession. Schools across the country are being called on to do more with less. Expectations are high but constraints are more. It has been now the task for teachers to inculcate value based education amongst school children. There is a great need of deliberate efforts to imbibe values like courage, teamwork, environmental values for global society. It is a great task and teachers have to be the tough task masters.

Y.R. Bhardwaj


Notice Board

  • 27.02.2025 : Regarding school timing during exams and result declaration

    Note:- 1. School Timings: Due to the upcoming examinations, the school will close at 2:00 PM from 6th March 2025 to 17th March 2025. 2. Please be informed that due to early school closures during examinations, the first round of buses for Thanakalan, Budhwar, Doh, Balh, Sakon, and Busal will depart at 1:00 p.m. from 6th March 2025 to 17th March 2025. Additionally, the second round of buses from Balh to Paroian and Balh to Tanda will depart at 1:45 p.m. during these dates. Please make the necessary arrangements to pick up your children early during these dates. 3. Result Declaration: The results will be declared on 29th March 2025 at 11:00 AM. 4. The admission will run from 1st April 2025 to 15th April 2025. 5. Regular classes will be start from 5th April 2025. Thank you.

  • 01.04.2024 Admission Notice : 25% seats under EWS

    Admission notice You are all notified that 25% Seats under EWS in Kutlehar Public School, Balh, are reserved for backward class, disabled, and below poverty line pupils in class 1st. You can submit an application for admission to the school if you have the following documents. 1. BPL Certificate OR EWS Certificate OR Low income certificate 2. Income below 35000/- Yearly for SC, ST and OBC etc. Place : Balh Manager Date : 01.04.2024 . Kutlehar Public School Balh Tehsil Bangana Distt. Una.( H.P.)

  • 01.04.2023 Admission Note:-

    KUTLEHAR PUBLIC SCHOOL -BALH ADMISSION OPEN FOR ACADEMIC SESSION 2023-24 FOR GRADES NURSERY TO 10TH. (Admission Timing 9:00 Am to 3:00PM) According to Govt. order all students of Kutlehar Public School Balh are informed to take admission in the next class from 01.04.2023 to 04.04.2023. In case of new Admission The following documents are to be produced during admission:- 1. Birth certificate Original Copy. 2. Original Transfer Certificate for Grade II to X duly Countersigned by the competent authorities. 3. Two Pass Port size Photo. 4. Aadhar card photo copy.

  • 01.04.2023 Admission Note:-

    KUTLEHAR PUBLIC SCHOOL -BALH ADMISSION OPEN FOR ACADEMIC SESSION 2023-24 FOR GRADES NURSERY TO 10TH. (Admission Timing 9:00 Am to 3:00PM) According to Govt. order all students of Kutlehar Public School Balh are informed to take admission in the next class from 01.04.2023 to 04.04.2023. In case of new Admission The following documents are to be produced during admission:- 1. Birth certificate Original Copy. 2. Original Transfer Certificate for Grade II to X duly Countersigned by the competent authorities. 3. Two Pass Port size Photo. 4. Aadhar card photo copy.

  • Admission Open For The Session 2023-2024

    KUTLEHAR PUBLIC SCHOOL -BALH ADMISSION OPEN FOR ACADEMIC SESSION 2023-24 FOR GRADES NURSERY TO 10TH. (Admission Timing 9:00 Am to 3:00PM) According to Govt. order all students of Kutlehar Public School Balh are informed to take admission in the next class from 01.04.2023 to 04.04.2023. In case of new Admission The following documents are to be produced during admission:- 1. Birth certificate Original Copy. 2. Original Transfer Certificate for Grade II to X duly Countersigned by the competent authorities. 3. Two Pass Port size Photo. 4. Aadhar card photo copy.

  • 31.03.2023 Parents Note:-

    This is to inform all the parents that students will have holidays from April 1st to April 4th 2023. Regular classes will start from April 5th. Admission process will start from April 1st to April 4th only. Thanks.

  • 15.04.2021 Notification regarding 10th Class Board Exam April 2021

    1. The ongoing H.P. Board Exams for class 10th and 12th are postponed till 17.05.2021,with immediate effect.

  • 30.03.2021. IMPORTANT NOTE

    Dear students, as you know that your result is to be declared on 31st March, but as per the order of DC Una, we cannot declare the result in the school premises, So the result is available on the school website www.kpsbalh.in. New session will be started on Ist of April 2021.Due to increasing cases of Covid -19 Govt has declared holidays up to 8th April 2021. So school will be reopen as per govt guidelines .Admissions will be started from Ist April 2021 to 15th April 2021.Thanks.

  • 09.03.2021 MOST IMPORTANT NOTE

    Dear parents, as you know that the school management will not provide any type of books, so you are requested to order your books to any book seller so that they can provide books to your children from time to time. List of syllabus is available on the school website www.kpsbalh.in.Thanks.

  • Dated: 11.02.2021

    Note :- Dear parents 7th and 8th grade children`s school are reopening from 15 February 2021, therefore you are requested to strictly follow the advisories issued from time to time by the Govt. /Distt. Administration. During the School time Social Distance and Bearing of Mask/Face cover is compulsory at all work Places. At this time, students may safely return to class if they have no flu like symptoms. Because the flu can still affect others and is easily spread from person to person, please keep children who have flu like symptoms at home. Symptoms include: fever of more than 100 degrees and cough or sore throat. Don’t send sick children to school. We will continue to give you any important information. We are looking forward to seeing your children again. Thank you for your support at this extremely challenging time and we must remember that safety for all is our main concern. Keep safe and take care. Thanks.

  • 17.06.2020 Note:-

    Most of the parents have not yet deposited their children`s school fees. Those parents are informed once again that they should be pleased to deposit their children`s school fees as soon as possible. Thanks.

  • 01.06.2020 Most Important Note:-

    KUTLEHAR PUBLIC SCHOOL -BALH ADMISSION OPEN FOR ACADEMIC SESSION 2020-21 FOR GRADES NURSERY TO 10TH. (Admission Timing 9:00 Am to 3:00PM) According to Govt. order all students of Kutlehar Public School Balh are informed to take admission in the next class from 02.06.2020 to 15.06.2020. In case of new Admission The following documents are to be produced during admission. 1. Birth certificate photo Copy. 2. Original Transfer Certificate for Grade II to X duly Countersigned by the competent authorities. 3. Two Pass Port size Photo. 4. Aadhar card photo copy. Dear Parents, You are kindly requested to deposit the school fees of your ward for the session 2020-21 as soon as possible. Note: - Protecting yourself and others from the spread COVID-19. 1. Parents are requested to strictly follow the advisories issued from time to time by the Govt. /Distt. Administration. 2. During the admission Social Distance and Bearing of Mask/Face cover is compulsory at all work Places. 3. Download Aarogya Setu App. In your Mobile. Any laxity by the parents will be viewed seriously. Thanks.

  • 14.05.2020

    KUTLEHAR PUBLIC SCHOOL -BALH NOTICE ADMISSION OPEN FOR ACADEMIC SESSION 2020-21 FOR GRADES NURSERY TO 10TH. (Admission Timing 9:00 Am to 12:00PM) According to Govt. order all students of Kutlehar Public School Balh are informed to take admission in the next class from 14.05.2020 to 31.05.2020. In case of new Admission The following documents are to be produced during admission. 1. Birth certificate photo Copy. 2. Original Transfer Certificate for Grade II to X duly Countersigned by the competent authorities. 3. Two Pass Port size Photo. 4. Aadhar card photo copy. Note: - Protecting yourself and others from the spread COVID-19. 1. Parents are requested to strictly follow the advisories issued from time to time by the Govt. /Distt. Administration. 2. During the admission Social Distance and Bearing of Mask/Face cover is compulsory at all work Places. 3. Download Aarogya Setu App. In your Mobile. Any laxity by the parents will be viewed seriously. Thanks.

  • 20.03.2020 Most Important Note

    Dear Parents Note:- As per Govt. instruction Result will be declared on 1st April 2020. As per the order Of Himachal Government Kutlehar Public School , Balh will remain closed as per precautionary measure till 31st March 2020 to prevent the Spreading of COVID-19. Let us be united in prayer. God Bless and Protect us all! Please obey the government instructions regarding COVID -19 Manager KPS – Balh Thanks

  • 20.02.2020 PTM Note:-

    NOTE:- Parents - teacher meeting will be held on the Sunday dated 23.02.2020. at11:00 am to 3:00 pm. Parents are requested to make it convenient to discuss the progress of their wards on that day only. Thank You. 2. Tomorrow will be Holiday. *Wish You A Very Happy Maha Shivratri to all of you*

  • Parents Teachers meet 2020

    We are pleased to inform you that the General house body meeting of the parent-Teacher association will be held on the Sunday dated 26th January 2020. at 11:00 Am To 2:00 PM. As you all are aware that we have to form the executive Body of Parent-Teacher Association for the Academic year 2020 -21. Parents are requested to Attend the meeting in time to make it convenient. Thank You.

  • 18.01.2020 (Most Urgent)

    Note:- Respected parents please update Aadhaar No. of your wards immediately. its most urgent. Order by Deputy Director of Higher Education Una.

  • Note:- 13.01.2020

    Tomorrow will be Holiday.

  • Holiday Note 23.12.2019

    ***********Happy Holidays *********** Note:- School will be closed w.e.f .25th December 2019 to 5th January 2020.and reopen will be on 6thJanuary 2020. Thanks. ****** Wish You A Very Happy New Year 2020 To All Of You*******

  • Date Sheet FA III Dated 03.12.2019.

    Date Sheet FA III & 2nd Term Class 1st to 10th

  • New Note dated 11.11.2019

    Tomorrow will be Holiday.

  • 24.10.2019

    Note:- School will be closed due to Diwali Holidays w.e.f. 25th October 2019 to 29th October 2019.and reopen will be on 30th October 2019. Thanks. **Wish You Happy Diwali to All of You**

  • Note:- 7.10.2019.

    Tomorrow will be Holiday.

  • Note: 9.9.2019

    Tomorrow will be Holiday.

  • PTM Note:- Dated 31.08.2019

    NOTE:- Parents - teacher meeting will be held on the Sunday dated 01.09.2019.at 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. Parents are requested to make it convenient to discuss the progress of their wards on that day only. Thank You.

  • Holiday Note

    Note: 23.08.2019.Tomorrow will be holiday. Happy Janmashtami to all of you. thanks.

  • 24-06-2019:- Holiday Note

    Holidays from: 26th June 2019 to 31st July 2019 and School will be reopen on 1st August 2019. {Time:- 9:00AM to 3:00PM}

  • Note:- Dated 28.05.2019

    Office Order by the Deputy Commissioner Una: Note:- School time has been changed by the DC due to very hot weather w.e.f. 28th May 2019 to 30th June 2019 at 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Thanks.

  • Note: Dated 17.05.2019

    Tomorrow will be Holiday.

  • Note:- Dated 30.04.2019

    Note:- Tomorrow your child will be given tablet of Albendazole. If You have any query Please Contact Class In Charge.

  • Highlights

  • 27.02.2025 : Regarding school timing during exam and result declaration

    Note:- 1. School Timings: Due to the upcoming examinations, the school will close at 2:00 PM from 6th March 2025 to 17th March 2025. 2. Please be informed that due to early school closures during examinations, the first round of buses for Thanakalan, Budhwar, Doh, Balh, Sakon, and Busal will depart at 1:00 p.m. from 6th March 2025 to 17th March 2025. Additionally, the second round of buses from Balh to Paroian and Balh to Tanda will depart at 1:45 p.m. during these dates. Please make the necessary arrangements to pick up your children early during these dates. 3. Result Declaration: The results will be declared on 29th March 2025 at 11:00 AM. 4. The admission will run from 1st April 2025 to 15th April 2025. 5. Regular classes will be start from 5th April 2025. Thank you.

  • 15.11.2024 About the documents required from parents to generate Apaar ID of their child

    All parents are informed that the Government of India is creating Apaar (Automated Permanent Academic Account Registry) ID for children under the UDISE portal. As part of the process of creating your child`s Apaar ID, your valid identity proof will be required. Therefore, we humbly request you to provide a valid proof of your identity. (e.g., Aadhaar Card, PAN Card, Passport, Voter ID, etc.) This is required to complete your child`s registration. Therefore, all parents are requested to submit their identity proof to the school or send it to the class in-charge via WhatsApp as soon as possible. Rest assured, your information will be kept confidential and handled securely in accordance with privacy guidelines. If you have any questions or require assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. With Regard Manager Kutlehar Public School Balh,Teh.Bangana Distt.Una

  • Admission Notice regarding 25% Seats under EWS

    Admission notice You are all notified that 25 % Seats under EWS in Kutlehar Public School, Balh, are reserved for backward class, disabled, and below poverty line pupils in class 1st. You can submit an application for admission to the school if you have the following documents. 1. BPL Certificate OR EWS Certificate OR Low income certificate 2. Income below 35000/- Yearly for SC, ST and OBC etc. Place : Balh Manager Date : 01.04.2024. Kutlehar Public School Balh Tehsil Bangana Distt. Una.( H.P.)

  • Admission Note Dated 01.04.2023

    KUTLEHAR PUBLIC SCHOOL -BALH ADMISSION OPEN FOR ACADEMIC SESSION 2023-24 FOR GRADES NURSERY TO 10TH. (Admission Timing 9:00 Am to 3:00PM) According to Govt. order all students of Kutlehar Public School Balh are informed to take admission in the next class from 01.04.2023 to 04.04.2023. In case of new Admission The following documents are to be produced during admission:- 1. Birth certificate Original Copy. 2. Original Transfer Certificate for Grade II to X duly Countersigned by the competent authorities. 3. Two Pass Port size Photo. 4. Aadhar card photo copy.


    Dear parents, as you know that the school management will not provide any type of books, so you are requested to order your books to any book seller so that they can provide books to your children from time to time. List of syllabus is available on the school website www.kpsbalh.in.Thanks.

  • Admission Note 01.06.2020

    Most Important Note

  • Important Note

    Dear Parents Note:- As per Govt. instruction Result will be declared on 1st April 2020. As per the order Of Himachal Government Kutlehar Public School , Balh will remain closed as per precautionary measure till 31st March 2020 to prevent the Spreading of COVID-19. Let us be united in prayer. God Bless and Protect us all! Please obey the government instructions regarding COVID -19 Manager KPS – Balh Thanks

  • Date Sheet

    9.08.2019 :-Exam Start FA-II dated13.08.2019 to 23.08.2019. Please check the academics module for detail.